
Gateway church pastor robert morris
Gateway church pastor robert morris

Morris gave three separate definitions of racism but said he believed the most prevalent manifestation of racism in America is defined as "prejudice toward another race. "I'll never see what you see unless I take the time to walk around the bottle and look at it from your perspective," he said to applause. "But we're looking at the same bottle, right?" he asked the congregants. He held up it up to the church and asked congregants what they see on the side they are looking at then revealed what he is seeing on the side he is looking at to reveal two different perspectives. Morris first illustrated his sermon, called "A Lack of Understanding," by presenting an unopened bottle of water with its label intact. Now when I talk about a lack of understanding, let me show you a scripture, Hosea 4:6 says, 'my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.'" And I want us as a church to take a stand. "I don't believe the church has taken the stand that the church needs to take. "I believe why we still have this problem today is because of the church," Morris said.

gateway church pastor robert morris

The protests have divided the country along racial and political lines in recent weeks. His comments come as athletes in the NFL, among others, have been taking a knee during the national anthem to protest racial injustice.

gateway church pastor robert morris

But we'll never know unless we ask," Morris said in a message he delivered to his church on Saturday. "Instead of simply arguing about a protest or demonstration or something like that, why don't we sit down and say 'what are you hearing? What are you seeing? What do you feel?' And not see it as an issue or history but as people." And we need to take the time to walk around the issue and see what our brothers and sisters are seeing. "We have a problem in our country mainly because white people don't understand it. Robert Morris, founding pastor of the 36,000-member Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, has blamed America's ongoing racism problem on "ignorant" white Christians and the church for not taking a stand against it by learning more about the problem, which the Bible calls evil.

gateway church pastor robert morris

Founding pastor of the 36,000-member Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, Robert Morris, tells his congregation on Saturday October 14, 2017, that America's ongoing racism problem is fueled by "ignorant" white Christians | (Screenshot: Gateway Church)

Gateway church pastor robert morris